Just Breathe!
Just breathe! Did you pause? Sigh? Take a deep breath? Often, we have to make a conscious choice to rest and reflect. Let’s take a few moments to reflect on preserving God moments. Those times when the beauty of God’s presence in your story gives you a sense of peace. God moments are real and occurring all around us all of the time, whether we recognize them or not. I believe we miss out on so many of these because we don’t take time to stop and just think about how God was present in our life: today, yesterday, last week, last year. Reflecting on God moments allows us to see and remember that someone greater than ourselves is actively involved in our lives. Pausing to remember them gives us strength and encouragement. It is also good to share these moments with others. It is your testimony, opening the door to talking to others about God. When we share these moments with one another, the experience not only touches our lives, but the many lives who are present in our life for “such a time as this.” Our experience can offer others hope and reassurance. Take time to reflect on those God moments because they are of God. God is with us even if we don’t recognize it right away. It is easy to get busy and let life speed on by us without acknowledging the blessing that God gives to us. But, if we take the time and actively look for and remember the God moments in our lives, we will see that we are beyond blessed to have a caring, loving God who is constantly at work in our lives.
Tammy Dawson