Marriage Troubles

"A cord of three strands is not quickly broken." (Ecc 4:12b)

When a married couple drifts away from God, they also drift away from each other.

If you want to strengthen a marriage, first strengthen your relationship to God.

Often marriage ends when one member of the marriage feels unhappy. The writer of Ecclesiastes searched for happiness in every possible way (women, wealth, fame, power, etc.), yet he said it was all a chasing after the wind. He summed up a successful life with this advice, "Fear God and keep His commandments" (Ecc 12:13). One of the fruits of the Spirit is happiness, and true happiness is found in Jesus.

During a wedding, vows were made. They were not with just the husband and wife, but also with God. A marriage is a three-way union.

A good way to return to God is for the couple to attend church. Church attendance is not a fix in itself. Going to church is like going to the gym. If you are going to exercise and get in shape, it is easier to do with others, than by exercising at home, or a donut shop. Why? Because you have other people with the same goals encouraging you on your journey. Church is the same. We are helped by others as we all journey to build up our faith. We are encouraging each other spiritually.

Church attendance is just the starting point. Our daily exercise regimen includes eating right, a diet on God’s Word, and stretching with prayer.

If a couple is truly dedicated to reconnecting with God and increase their faith, a side effect will be a stronger marriage.

—Jay Crook


Spiritual Applications of Photography

