
The longer I am blessed to journey alongside Christian brothers and sisters the more I realize that Christian community is a powerful glue that holds us steady on our course through this earth to reach our destiny in heaven. The relationships we build with one another because of being present, create a source of love and security that makes living in a chaotic world easier. 

The word presence is a thought-provoking word. The dictionary defines presence as the state or fact of being present. Ha! I could have said that! Looking deeper into the definition is where the “meat” of the word lies. It is the area immediately surrounding a great personage, especially a sovereign. Presence can also be defined as a person who is present in an impressive way or a supernatural influence felt to be nearby. Ok, so being present in body doesn’t necessarily mean that someone is there in spirit. Have you ever been in a room with someone who is there, but not really? That is no fun! So being in one another’s presence requires us to give of ourselves beyond merely just being there. That to me is the true meaning of presence essential for building relationships in community.

How does this relate to the “presence” of God? Where does God place His presence? Reflecting on the journey of mankind with God through the Bible, one can see how God’s presence went from walking with Adam and Eve in the garden to God’s presence with man at the Ark of the Convent. The Ark was placed in the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle built strictly to the details He provided. Exodus 25:8, “God commanded Moses, “Let them construct a sanctuary for Me, that I may dwell among them.” Interestingly, the word dwelt is literally, “tabernacled”. When you get to the New Testament, John 1:14 tells us that God became flesh and “tabernacled”, dwelt among us. Jesus Christ demonstrated in the flesh, the relationship of God with man before ascending to heaven. Now God “tabernacles” within us. Christians have the presence of God within us by virtue of His indwelling Holy Spirit (John 14:23; 15:4), and that indwelling presence comes through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Wow! Now that is the “presence” worth sharing!

–Tammy Dawson




Spiritual Applications of Photography