The West Side Herald
Kernels of Corn
Wenchiki is the name of the first village we drilled a water well in. It was very remote and the road into it was not much more than a path. Wenchiki had a population of over 2,000, and the folks there were all farmers and all very poor.
I've Set My Last Post
Harry Tate was quite unlike any man I have ever known. He was a genuine Ozark product. He was a farmer by occupation, but a country philosopher at heart. He witnessed a lot of change in his eighty-five years, and he liked to discuss how it “was a sight on earth what the mind of man can conceive.” He was also an artist.
Good News
Wouldn’t you like to hear some good news? We all would! Bad news brings fear, pain, and sorrow; but “good news refreshes the bones” (Prov 15:30). “Like cold water to a thirsty soul,” declares another proverb, “so is good news from a far country” (Prov 25:25). Isn’t it time for some good news?