November and December 2024

Grace and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Here is a quick update about my work for the months of November and December 2024. 
Married and Unmarried Forum for the last quarter of 2024 was held on the 30th of November 2024. Facilitators for the program were Brother Bernard Asante of Vertical Centre, Tema and Brother Abraham of Kumasi, both in Ghana. 
I conducted a case study on the 31st of December with a scenario which will motivate the church to start 2025 with new zeal. Members were enthused to contribute to the discussion. 
On November 17th 2024, Sister Glory and her three Children started worshipping with the Church. Sister Glory was a member of the Lord’s Church back in Nigeria, she has been in Cologne, Germany for the past thirteen years but could not find the Church until recently.  On the 29th of December 2024, Ernestina visited the Church for the first time after we had visited a refugee camp where she was lodging. 
Esther who was baptized on the 28th of September, though heavily pregnant, gave birth to a bouncing baby boy on the 16th of November 2024. Her husband (Brother Nat), had been in France working at a shipyard and was due to return in December. They live in Recklinghausen, a 47-minute drive away, but Stella and I were able to assist and support her while her husband was away. This being her first child-birth, we needed to give her constant attention. Brother Nat completed his contract at the shipyard in France and returned to Germany on the 17th of December 2024.
On Saturday the 14th of December 2024, Stella and I, along with three other brothers, visited Brother Wilberforce at Wuppertal and Esther at Recklinghausen. From Wuppertal, we continued to Recklinghausen to visit Esther.

On Sunday the 1st of December 2024, Brother Thompson Ofori’s family and a group of teenagers visited us after worship. None of the seven teenagers who visited have been baptized hence they need encouragement and study beyond the regular Sunday School time.  We visited Brother Wilberforce and his family at Wuppertal on Saturday the 14th of December 2024.
Brother Nelson and his family who host us in all of our mission trips to Sweden visited us from Stockholm from the 26th of December to the 6th of January 2025. They are a family of six.  While here, they worshiped with us on two Sundays. We invited eight members of the Church and together, we had meal fellowship on 29th December. Bother Oduro also came from Munich on the 30th and left on the 4th of January. On the 2nd of January, I accompanied them to Cologne to visit Brother Augustine and his family, his wife (Sister Vida), had travelled to Ghana on the 25th of December. 
Brother Edward Arhin had surgery on his right foot. We visited him at his residence on the 5th of December and presented him with some provisions. He has recovered, and is able to put on footwear. He resumed Church services on the 22nd of December.  On the 22nd of November, Esther Dadzie (our daughter), had surgery for a fibroid at Evangelical Bethesda Hospital in Duisburg. She was discharged from the hospital on the 26th of November, and she is recuperating.
Stella and I are in good health, and Esther is recovering. Please continue to pray for us. Until our next Newsletter for January and February 2025 . . .

Stay Blessed,
Eddie, Stella and Esther Dadzie.

Exchange of gifts with brethren.

Visit from some teenagers.


September and October 2024